27 July 2023 06:00 The Day Started Uneventful, even though there was a little drizzle, which we thought as an outcome of the incessant rain which was there since past 3-4 days. 27 July 2023 08:00 Water started logging on the low lying 30" Road adjacent to our Home, as usual I thought it would recede as it had in the past two years. 27 July 2023 10:00 Flooding started to enter the Gate, I expected the unexpected to happen, and then we prepared to evacuate our Home to some safer place for the time being. 27 July 2023 11:00 Water Flow, Force and Quantity started to rise and we could see nothing but water water everywhere, it was calf deep, by now. 27 July 2023 13:00 Water started roaring, inundating half of the colony's low lying area. 27 July 2023 16:00 Flood water started gushing bringing in them lots of logs and waste and creatures including water snakes, snails, worms and insects. 27 July 2023 19:00 Water Entered Home upto knee deep, and on the adjacent road upto chest deep ...
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