21-12-2012... The Real Story and The Myth

There is no apocalypse as it is pre-predicted. The Mayan Calendar might have come to an end on this very day;but there is no proof of what actually will be it on 21-12-2012, i.e. one has no predictions on when this world vanishes. The Planet X or Nibiru is also a myth, since, in this Scientific Yuga, wherein the American Space Laboratory (SkyLab) have been averted in 1979... Humans have placed "Curiosity Rover" on the Martian Lands, can't it be very easy task to avert this "so-called" planetary collision.

Moreover, if there were any signs of destruction, it will start to show up some early signs.. which is nowhere to be found. According to Hindu Mythology:

There are 4 Yugas Krita, Treta, Dwapara and Kali.

Krita 4*4,32,000 years or 17,28,000 years
Treta 3*4,32,000 years or 12,96,000 years
Dwapara 2*4,32,000 years or 8,64,000 years
Kali 1*4,32,000 years or 4,32,000 years.

As per current situations, this Yuga has started some 30,000 years ago. So on that note, for the apocalypse to occur, it needs more 4,00,000+ odd years. Rest Assured... There is no destruction nearby.

Live Happily... Never tense yourself.. Moreover, use resources scarcely,as if they get depleted tomorrow. Because, we are a form of life from the Mother Nature.. and the surrounding environs. Protect the Environment, Protect Nature... Live Long Now.. Live Long even after in the memories of the future generations to come.

Sridhar Bukya

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