
జీవిత యుద్ధం

 జీవతం నిరంతరమైన యుద్ధం అందులో నెగ్గటం కంటే పోరాట పటిమ ముఖ్యం. నిత్యం ఎన్నో అవాంతరాలు సవాళ్ళు ఎదురవుతూనే ఉంటాయి. ఓర్పు నిన్ను రణస్థలాన నిర్వీర్యం కానిక కాపాడుతూనే ఉంటుంది. ఆరోగ్యం జాగ్రత


 మంచివానికే మనసు విరిచే వారు దొరూకుతారు. ఎందుకంటే వారిని ఓర్పుతో భరించాలి. మరొకరు సైతం అలా ఉంటే అది ఎటో మలుపు తిరిగి వినాశనానికి దారి తీస్తుంది. అంచేతనే ఓర్పు, సహనం కలవారికే బాధలు బాధ్యతలు ఎక్కువ.. ఓర్చుకుంటారని

Troublesome Time

 [08/12, 14:19] srid har sha rany a nitha: When time flies by, it's remnants must never bother us in any other way, other than as memories. [08/12, 14:25] srid har sha rany a nitha: When a bridge collapses automatically, you must not cross it, it can be a mark or signal of danger. If you yourself collapse a bridge, you ought not cross it, because, you did it purposefully.


 Nobody apologizes for how they treat us, all they do is, from their perspective,  blame for how one reacts back.

My Phones

 Nokia 1100 (20 Feb 2005 14 Jan 2007) Nokia 6600 Black (15 Jan 2007 27 July 2010) Nokia 5800 Xpress Music (28 Jul 2010 10 Jul 2012) Nokia Lumia 610 (12 Aug 2012 14 Aug 2012) Nokia 701 (15 Aug 2012 04 May 2014) Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 (05 May 2014 12 Sep 2014) LG G4 Stylus (13 Sep 2014 18 Oct 2015) Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (19 Oct 2015 01 Apr 2018) LG Q6 (02 Apr 2018 08 Feb 2019) Samsung Galaxy A9 (09 Feb 2019 13 Jun 2022) vivo 2125 (14 Jun 2022 09 Nov 2023) Samsung Galaxy A14 5G (19 Nov 2023

Troubled Waters

₹500 cash from my wallet was brought in hard cash. I started early to my workplace,  so as to make sure to eat breakfast at any hotel en route. After traversing 1km from Home, I bought 1 Masala Dosa for 35, and then Vada for another 35. Thereafter I came to my workplace,  removed Vada from the fragile newspaper wrap and then put it in the Tiffin box, then, I put the 430 ((200×2)+(20×1)+(10×1)) in cash box separately.  At 20:15, while counting was on, I took away that 430 and handed over the actual cash to the main counter.  One of my colleagues,  got dubious, and started questioning me. I had to explain all this to prove myself.   For the first time in life, I am feeling dejected. Today my own money got myself into troubled waters. I shall henceforth not bring hard cash to workplace. _over and out_

Mastering the inner peace

 Everything co-exists with us. It is but, our own perspective that makes us take things much seriously than they actually are. Stay composed, and then you can see those things getting into place as quick as they can, bringing in harmony.