Walnut: Analogous to Brain When thoughts come bubbling out, Some prefer to show it physically, As a piece of drawing Some others show it mentally As a piece of poetry It is a true replication of what it is wandering In the Synaptical Fuzzy Curvy Ridgy part of the Brain The flow of Electric pulses all over the brain passing via Hippocampus, grasps it forever or till it is used. The Grey matter recollects all past memories, that help in creating a virtual Canvas with thoughts in them Where the Frontal, Parietal, Temporal, Occipital lobes interprets the signals sent. One single flex, one single thought travels from one end to other in a flash of second. Its really the magic of our brain that it can outperform the Supercomputers. Alas! Those are also the creations out of our Brains. Ever imagined: The Soft Fluffy Matter called brain Controlling each and every cell and tissue, Hard to the Hardest Bones, Delicate Organs are no exception. So, Experience this Mirac...